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Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts

Multiport Scanner [Python]

As network analysis or pentester , or maybe hacker you have been hear about Nmap port scanning .. A great tools for scanning process to find out what port / IP that live / open.

But how about "Multiport" ?

Multiport is a port scanning utility designed in Python. It accepts the target and ports (single port, port list and port range) as user input. Then scans the target for the port(s) status using the scanning techniques all at once. The output is displayed in an organized table format.

The function is same with Nmap but the output is more easy to readable because the script is using PrettyTable plugin and also you did'nt need to select which method scanning to use . Ex : Syn Scan , TCP Scan , XMAS Scan .

You can get the script from here . Multiport

If you get a error same like this . Follow the instruction to resolve it.

Go here and download newly PrettyTable plugin .

Or Just follow this step .

wget http://prettytable.googlecode.com/files/prettytable-0.7.2.tar.gz

tar -xzvf prettytable-0.7.2.tar.gz

cd prettytable-0.7.2
python setup.install

Ok's now multiport script will not be error . You can try it

This is my result when try scanning.