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Simple IC:Malaysia Calculator [ vb.net ]

Salam Eid Mubarak to all muslim ummah.

That's was a long time that i not update with this blog..but i'm very excited because the visitor has become around 500 , yea i know that number was not too much..To me that was a interesting news , because i just create this blog about 2 months ago and the article that i wrote also not a fancy thing.

Orite lets go through with my new topic, this time i will show how to make a simple Identity Card (for malaysian citizen) Calculator.

I'm using visual basic language and .net framework (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010) to make this simple tools

1. First launch Microsoft Visual Studio..Select Windows Forms Application

2. Place a Label , TextBox , and a Button..

3. Rename Label , TextBox and Button for easy programming and a good GUI.

4. Double click button Click , add a code...

5. Add a function to calculate the Ic Number

6. Lastly try to run the program by click play symbol

Code That Used


  1. hi,how to write a vb code to get output information such as birthday,birth place,gender from ic number?
