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Viral Fb Likes

Last Night , i just make a facebook fanpages for this site to test this viral Fb likes. The viral that i used can found at addmefast.com. In just a day i has get 70+ Likes on my fanpages , because of this my blog rating also has impove dramatically.

So for who's wound to popular their bussiness or site , you can give a try using this tips.

You have to register first. I encouraged to make a new email that not belong to other social account or any important things.

For first time you will get 50 points free. Click on Add Site/Page and choose Facebook Likes on type box , select worldwide to get Fb Likes from all of country , fill a suitable title , type your full Fanpages URL Ex: "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Worlds-of-Computer/548679041864380" and make CPC between 5 to 10.

Your points will deducted when someone liked your Fanpages , so your have to collect the points back by Likes other Fb or else.

Make sure after you have click on Liked , you close the windows manually to get the points.
You can also try other features , a twitter following , instagram , youtube .. For more info please visit this site


  1. Do you need free Facebook Likes, YouTube Views, Instagram Likes and other social network actions?
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  2. thank you for this article. Hoping for more article about viral likes.

  3. The post is very nice. I just shared on my Facebook Account.

  4. The post is very nice. I just shared on my Facebook Account.
